Monday, December 01, 2008

Blood sugar up

I did a fasting glucose read this morning and it was 111.  That's a little high, I think, considering how I eat.  

And that wasn't the only bad news of the day.



B: cottage cheese with pepitas and stevia

L: roast beef rolled up in romaine with mayo

S: macs

D: turkey soup

S: macs and a bag of pork rinds

I also biked 7 miles and ran 3 (I've been doing the random hills program on the treadmill lately and I LOVE it!  What fun!!  Really!).  

But, as usual, I'm exhausted....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the exercise, I tell you! I haven't been exercising at all, other than the random yoga class (which I missed today btw) and I have been steadily losing for the past two weeks. Not even the tiny bit of off plan eating I did in Cincinnati result in a gain. My clothes are getting loose too, so I can't say I am just losing my muscle weight. :-)

Now, you know I believe in exercising for other things, but I just don't buy it anymore for weight loss alone. How are the clothes fitting? Did you take your measurements before starting this latest challenge?

The blood sugar thing is troublesome. Are you going to monitor it on a regular basis for a while?

1:45 PM  

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