Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Burn my flag

<Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIf you haven't already heard, The Cunter's in the news again. It works well, you see, to spew filth and bile when promoting the paperback version of a book filled with filth and bile. This time, when asked nicely by Elizabeth Edwards to stop the name calling and personal attacks on not just her husband, but her whole family, our cowardly Ann just flipped her stringy, bleached hair around with her skeletal fingers and mocked our electoral process. Our political dialog is ailing and it's vectors like Cunter who spread diseases of hate, lies, and bigotry that are wholly to blame.

For what reason I do not know, but I went to her site. I was reading her maniacal rantings on how unfairly she is being treated by the media and the Edwards when I came across this little gem: Liberals are driven by Satan and lie constantly.

But in light of it being the 4th of July and all, I figure I won't even bother refuting such insanity but will instead focus on patriotism. And I'm gonna tell you a bit about the difference between our Satan driven, lying liberal household and Republicans.

In our house patriotism means something real and deep. It isn't red, white, and blue. It isn't flashy or fun. It doesn't involve care packages of cookies to troops who are already very well, if not over -fed. It isn't a yellow ribbon magnet on the car (because God forbid it be an actual sticker that might do some damage to the paint job) or square dancing at the local VFW. It has nothing to do with AmVets or the pledge of allegiance or marching in a parade.

No, no. In our house patriotism means sacrifice. It means giving of yourself for the benefit of the country. We honor those who make those sacrifices. We truly support them with more than empty words and ribbons on our tree. Perhaps it is because we spent so many years as part of the Army and still continue to serve within the military community that we feel this so strongly. Perhaps for us it hits closer to home. This war, for example, is more than just ideological bantering or patriotic flag waiving. For us it is real as we watch our friends and family members go off to fight, as we consider the possibility of that one of us may go there to serve (I'll let you guess which one and it ain't the one that's lactating).

You see, in our liberal household, our commitments and sacrifices go deeper than voting or attending school board meetings. Don't ever accuse me of not being patriotic. One thing Republicans think is that they hold the market on patriotism. Supporting our troops is a whole lot more than cheering them off to their deaths or allowing the sons of privilege to join the Air National Guard in times of crisis (and then getting them off the hook for going AWOL). If I hear one more schlump express their sincere hope that my brother or cousin or husband doesn't have to go off to this suck war knowing full well that they voted for that asshole that started it, I'm going to light my flag on fire.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketYes, you heard that right: I will burn my own damn flag.

And there's where conservatives also show their brains to be diminutive. Burning the flag is a form of speech. Freedom of speech is what that flag represents. To burn the flag as a means of expression is to exercise the very freedoms that people have sacrificed for. Am I driven by Satan? Hell no. I'm driven by patriotism.

You know, once while in high school, in the middle of dinner, my dad and I got into a huge argument over the flag. I advocated the right to burn the flag. My dad, not quite seeing my side of things, got overheated and threw my "pinko communist ass" out of the house. It lasted about an hour with me "living" on the front porch for the duration of dinner. After which I was allowed back in to apologize for my beliefs and sent to my room.

The funny thing about it is that my parents, god love them, used to have a flag out on display at their house, unlit at night, tattered and worn, and in the winter months, frozen to the side of the house. I've since convinced them to cease with the flag worship and abuse. Because, the flag means nothing in and of itself. It is our country and her citizens that have meaning.

I challenge Republicans to prove that they too are patriotic, that they too understand the real flag of our country. First, since they voted for Bush and he has fucked the budget and put us in so much debt it'll take generations to dig us out, I propose that each Republican household double their tax contributions. Voluntarily, mind you. But just take what you owe the IRS at tax time and then double it. That'll just about do it, I think. For the money part.

Now, for the personal sacrifice. One person from each Republican household needs to take up a position in Iraq. No, not join the military. Not just those serving in the military are serving in Iraq. There are plenty of jobs for civilians, contractors and the like. You needn't be young or in good shape. And there's plenty of money to be made while your there, too, thanks to your Republican friends in Congress. So get your ass (or the ass of your loved one) over there for a year or three. Because, honestly, this is YOUR war.

As for me and my hippy liberal, Satan driven, pinko commie ass, I'm taking my kids to a Cubs' game tomorrow. And I ain't standing for the anthem, either. So there!


Blogger Dave MacCannell said...

Interesting. In your freedom of speech blog entry the pic, (that I assume was), of a flag burning was censored. It's just a little red x when I view your blog. Internet consorship. Gotta be another big thing on the George Dubyuh to do list. Him and Coulter. The fabulous fractoids of republicanism. Go Cubbies go! I picked Marshall to win. Hope he doesn't let me down. I know how patriotic you are. And I know the sacrifices you've made for the U.S. of A. If anyone gives you shit about not standing at the game tell 'em to fuck off for me. It's stupid to play national anthems at sports games anyway as I've written about in my blog. BTW thanks for your comments. I always enjoy them.

3:29 AM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Heather, as always, your posts are not only filled with wit and your obvious intellect but your passion.

Living in this part of the world, we constantly get comments from family & friends about how worried we must be here.

Looking at the news at recently events in UK. I can say that I'm pretty happy to be away from it all.

Although we are kind of Brits, those who are not Western expats often think that white (again, kinda white) face = American.

In itself, not a problem but, it goes further.....

.... American = Dubyuh Lover

The World needs to hear from more people like yourself, who don't agree with that man and worse of all, what he is doing to your collective reputation.

Have been to the States a few times & truely love it but have refused to come again until he is out of the White House.

You, your husband and people like you with your true, no b-s love for your country are what makes your country great and will make it great again ........... once he is no longer (apparently) speaking for you.

Keep writing, I always look forward to hearing which particular bug has got up your ass :) :) :)


Not entirely sure who 'Ann'is but off to investigate further - see, this isn't time-wasting...... it's EDUCATIONAL!!!

8:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw this. I am what, a few months late?

All I have to say is...Go you!

9:04 PM  
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1:27 PM  

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