Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Welcome Wagon

If ever you feel the need to bring down your self esteem, you should give some thought to a visit our way.

Over Memorial Day weekend Reilly Kate's godmother came for a visit. The first morning as I puttering around in the kitchen, I heard from downstairs the glee-filled giggles of my little angels. Andrea was playing with them. Pure joy. Then I listened a little more carefully. I heard Roman's sweet voice: "Giddy up, old lady. Giddy up! Giddy up, old lady."

Andrea, by the way, is an extremely youthful looking 36.

Just a few days ago, Irina's godmother came for a visit. Shortly after arriving we decided to go to a waterpark and Wendy changed into her bathing suit: a flattering blue and white floral tankini. Reilly Kate came up to her, wrinkled her nose like she'd just smelled a pile of wildebeest dung served up on a china plate, and said, "Is that your suit?"

Reilly Kate by the way was wearing a head to toe UV suit that makes her look more like a brightly colored pink spaceman than a 5 year old on her way to the waterpark.

They're lovely children. Really lovely.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup!! Very true don't forget when I asked how old do you think people are when they die they said 30. Thank you for the compliment! I still haven't forgot the giddy up old lady. Poor Wendy

9:22 AM  
Blogger Wildsissy said...

ughh I just turned 30.. I guess I'm gonna die. Andrea you lQQk fabulous! and Wendy's suit IS really cute and looks really nice on her so I have no clue what Reilly would have to say about mine.. blech!

12:17 PM  

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