Monday, June 07, 2004

Getting Back on the Bike

Ya know, when one person in the house is sick or in some way incapacitated (such as Mike with this back thing), it throws everything off in the household. It is like getting lost in your own neighborhood and you're not sure where the map is. That's how I feel, at least. Laundry piles up, dishes sit in the sink, and the kids are restless.

But we're plugging along. Mike's back is still pretty bad and he's losing patience with it. I feel for him. I do.

Reilly Kate is... well... Reilly Kate. Her newest bizarre thing is slapping my stomach and saying, "Fat belly. Fat belly. Fat belly." I guess that is supposed to be motivating. I downed three pints of Ben and Jerry's this weekend, though, so I'm not sure how effective she's really being.

She's started learning to steer her tricycle which is a huge relief to me. I was starting to think she'd be 27 and still on training wheels, crashing into garbage cans while singing Twinkle Twinkle and wondering why the bike doesn't steer itself.

Roman is just about ready to crawl. He's on the cusp of it. He's mobile now with his scooting and rolling. But the crawling is just a couple weeks off. It seems he was slow to start, but he's exploded in development all of a sudden.

I'm convinced he is going to be painfully shy. Today when faced with a baby girl a couple days older, he responded to her infant wails of joy with true, fearful tears. He just cried and cried. After comforting him, I sat him back up near her and he put his head down to his toes and cried some more. Poor thing. Girls scare him. Of course they do. Look at his sister. I'd be scared too if she was the only girl I'd ever experienced.

Anyway, like I said. It's hard to get back into the swing. Hopefully, we will soon and I'll be back to regular posting on this here blog. Oh, I might have made a new friend this weekend. Stay tuned for that story. It's a good one.