Sunday, October 28, 2012

Play to your Strengths, Kid

I promised 31 blog posts in the month of October, Down syndrome awareness month, and God damn it, there will be 31 blog posts.  

A lot is known about the negative aspects of Down syndrome.  Everyone knows that kids with Down syndrome have learning difficulties and delayed development.  It's the focal point of the disorder, really.  I'd be a liar if I told you we don't focus on that aspect of Down syndrome.  Any parent of a child with Down syndrome does.  It's part and parcel.  

Last week, Kelly had speech therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy evaluations.  He is only slightly delayed in speech which is awesome considering he spent the greater part of the summer and this fall with clogged ears, unable to hear clearly.  He is experiencing a word explosion and on my to do list today is coming up with 5 more signs to introduce him to as sign is his preferred language at this time. 

Physically, he is delayed because he is not walking at 22 months.  He can, he just won't.  I'm not too worried about that.  

Man, I'm a liar.  I'm totally worried about that.  HE'S NOT WALKING!!!  I worry that he'll crawl in the hallways of his high school.  He'll crawl to his college classes.  His first pub crawl will be literal.  Crawl down the aisle.  Crawl a 5K.  Crawl his daughter down the aisle when she gets married.  You get the idea.  I have envisioned his entire life CRAWLING!!

So yeah.  That's an area of concern.  The PT put him on a treadmill and had him kick a ball.  He loved it.  Future soccer player,  perhaps.  If he'd get off all fours!  They were extremely impressed with his ability to run, full throttle, in a bear crawl, however.  It is pretty impressive and I'm certain that the speed demon in him is unwilling to learn to walk because it is far slower than bear running.

The artiste and his works
Kelly will use paper, too.  We've got original works, if anyone is interested in one.
His area of strength is fine motor.  In this area, he is ahead of the curve.  He's been stacking blocks for months.  He loves it.  He can stack 5 or 6 blocks and then knock them down and start again.  He also loves to draw.  Loves it.  He's become an expert at finding the markers (washable, thank God) and drawing on the side of our kitchen cabinets.  I was freaked out at first, but then realized how really good he was and I've let it slide.  Plus, he cleans up after himself.

Scrap that, Kelly, and start again.

He'll also grab a hold of any of the kids' school work and decorate it.  They thought it was cute, at first, but I think it might be getting old.  

Fractions?  No, this is unacceptable.  How 'bout a little abstract art?  Much better.


It just might be the best feeling in the world to have a therapist come to you and say, "I'm totally not needed."  


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