Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Down syndrome in Black and White

Did you know that Charles Darwin had a son named Charles Waring Darwin who, most likely, had Down syndrome?  Emma Darwin was 45 years old when he was born and descriptions of him by Charles Darwin and his daughter reflect attributes of a triplicated chromosome 21.  He was greatly loved and deeply mourned when he died at 18 months old.

Emma and Charles Waring Darwin in a memorial portraiture 

John Langdon Down, the man for whom the syndrome is named, had a grandson, also named John Langdon Down who had Down syndrome.  He was born after Dr.  Down had published his works on Down syndrome.

The younger John Langdon Down in a family portrait

Dale Evans and Roy Rogers had a daughter named Robin who had Down syndrome.  She died before her second birthday.  Dale later wrote a book about her called Angel Unaware.  I haven't read it, but I've heard it's a short, but uplifting book.

I love how proud Roy looks in this picture.

At a time when people with Down syndrome were thrown away and/or institutionalized, these three families embraced their children.  I can't help but feel good about that.  There's just something so awesome to see children who look like my Kellster in history books.

Just wait.  Kelly will have his own page, too.


Blogger Celebrating Phoenix said...

Maybe Phoenix and Kelly can be in a book together as an example of how good looking you can really be when you have DS.

I was thinking about this last night. That through out history there have always been kids born with DS, and that in the wealthy families, they were immortalized in paintings with their other family members. Just like 'real' members of the family. Hunh. Imagine that.

8:34 AM  

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