Saturday, March 04, 2006

A Strep Back

We made it back. And, not surprising to many of you, it was a much better time than I predicted. Although, my pessimism again saves me from disappointment. The other mothers on the trip seemed much more frustrated and unhappy than I. I came out the most on top of them all.

They even got Reilly Kate in on the gig. They just couldn't resist, I guess. And, I have to hand it to that strong willed girl, she did exactly what they asked, when they asked. Of course she did. It involved payment, cash payment. That little Republican just kept her eyes on the prize. Money money money. I thank God I seemed to have rubbed off on her somewhat. I told her that she and her brother could each take a small amount (ten dollars) to the toy store on base and buy themselves a toy. After the initial excitement of getting a new toy waned, she very seriously asked if then she could take the rest and donate it to the boy she saw in the National Geographic magazine (Dec. 05 pg. 16). A money grubber with a heart. Is that a Libertarian? Anyway, we're looking into one of those sponsor a child programs so she can see something tangible for her money. I think it would have a greater impact and meaning. I'm just so weepy and mushy... and fucking turned on! I just love giving and charity and was a bit worried about my eldest's love of the green stuff in her own wallet.

So back to the trip. Roman did well, too. He didn't break a thing. But he almost sent a high priced fancy Korean cell phone (complete with television and internet) into the pool for a swim. I don't know who the genius was that decided it would be a good idea to give the two year old the phone near the pool, but they did have the forethought to secure it around his wrist, at least. He tried to throw it (have I mentioned the kid's got an arm?), but it was hooked. He then took it off, me screaming at them to stop him from across the pool and being ignored. Finally, someone caught him right before that baby was going to sail into the drink. That would have probably cost just as much as a fancy lamp and camera with a big lens combined.

But Roman loved it. All those Korean ladies doting on him. He was surrounded by beautiful Korean woman, primping and preening him. His any wish came true, if at all possible. Candy, gum, games, piggy backs. You name it. Oh, and you should have heard the grown woman squeals emitting from them every time he did anything. He'd take off his diaper and grab is baby schwanz and they'd squeal with delight. He'd throw the candy at them and they'd dive for it like a drunk dives for beads at Mardi Gras. Not even his stinky Roman poop could chase those girls away. Like any man in this situation would, he believes he is the king. Mike says he has been struck with the Asian fever, and I think he might be right. If he can find a big breasted Korean woman, she will be my daughter in law.

There was a downside, a major, major downside to the whole trip. I got sick. Now, if you know me, you know I do not get sick often and when I do, my recovery is quick. This time, though, I thought I might die. It started as a small scratchy throat followed by the chills but no real fever. By noon on Thursday I was in full blown hell, unable to eat, unable to sleep, just moaning and groaning in between sessions. I could hardly even drink water. By Friday morning, I was in tears. Janice, the international modeling agent's assistant, wanted to take me to the hospital, but I just couldn't bear the thought of it. Koreans like to admit people to the hospital for not much reason at all. What would I do with my kids? No, I insisted we wait till we got back to Seoul. So while I went to almost all the kids' photo shoots, I couldn't carry them and could hardly muster a smile.

This morning I went to the ER here at 121 and was diagnosed with dehydration and the dreaded strep. The doctor was a little shocked I wasn't having any trouble breathing as he said it looked like my throat was swollen shut. The nurse came in and lectured me about the dangers of letting strep go and how it can turn into rheumatic fever and blah blah blah. Then I was hooked up to an IV for two hours, given a shot of steroids (look out Arnold! Maybe I come and run for guv-nuh!), a giant bottle of antibiotics, some tylenol, and chloroseptic spray. I'm on the mend now. I feel much better. I can actually eat soft, bland foods and small sips of water now. Such progress in just a day.

So all and all, the adventure wasn't that bad. Strep and all. If I hadn't had to fight the urge to throw myself off a cliff and end my pain and suffering each time I ventured out of the hotel, I would have had a really good time. See? Pessimism does pay off. So screw you doubters.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, I give you a sneak peak at the Korean summer catalog of Tartine et Chocolat. Remember, to see a larger size of the image, just click on it.

Reilly Kate hamming it with a traditional Cheju statue in the Hyatt Hotel (a very nice posh place if you are even in the area)

A picture of the boy being doted on by his many fans. If you can even see him, he's the white kid in the middle.

RK modeling her first outfit. This is the infants and toddlers catalog. The biggest clothing hardly fit Roman and they had RK modeling 12-18 mos sized clothes. So she did just chest up shots. But she's small enough to fit in them. This outfit even had shorts that fit her but they decided to stick with the top up.

More doting for Roman. They are covering him with their coats. It was cold, probably about 40 degrees or so (they use that blasted Celsius shit that means absolutely NOTHING!! What is wrong with everyone? Can't they just do things MY way?), but the sun was warm. And the kids were wearing summer clothes. So while the shot was set up, the Korean women would run over and wrap their coats around the kids. I'm sure Roman was thoroughly enjoying himself.

RK got her share of doting as well. During this shot, it was damn fucking cold, but the sun was so bright the poor white girl couldn't open her eyes (I've said it once, I'll say it again, those Spiwaks are VAMPIRES!!). The shoot didn't last long, though, thankfully. But it did attract Korean tourists. I turned around, after we wrapped, and there was a crowd of about 15 or so tourists all taking their own pictures. I don't know what they thought was going on, but it seemed to make their whole trip to Cheju worthwhile. Ah, yes, our work there is done.

This is the best picture of all. We were on the bus headed back to the airport. I was so close to death (or at least wishing that I was) that my kids were being watched by the other moms and Janice. I woke up to peek my head around to see what my kids were up to and I noticed a police car with its lights on tailing right behind us. I looked for a moment, we made a turn, I looked again, it was still there. So I mentioned to the mom in the picture that I thought we were being pulled over. She looked back and agreed. Then I looked closer. They were waiving. Waiving at whom, you ask. My son. He was standing in the back of the bus (do NOT talk to me about carseat safety while I live in this country because if you do, I'll bitch slap you and call you stupid) hamming it up for the cops. They were having a big old blast in their cruiser. As I said, our work there is done.

That's all for now. I'm off to take my meds and get my tired old ass in bed.


Blogger Jen said...

I wondered how your trip went, glad you weren't disappointed! Well, except for that shitty strep throat deal. Rest up!

10:56 AM  
Blogger Wildsissy said...

love the pics! They look so cute. you'll have to get a ton of duplicates of the magazine/catalog they are published in!

12:51 PM  
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11:48 PM  
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1:15 AM  

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